How to Apply for the Award
All applicants for the awards must submit an abstract to the HUPO 2016 via the Submission System by June 30, 2016. Please note that award applicants must be the Presenting Author.
Student Travel Awards (Check out the Winner List )
Student Travel Awards are available for a limited number of students planning to attend the HUPO 2016 Congress. The award will be given to students presenting posters at the congress. Please note that the award will be presented during the Congress Closing Ceremony and attendance is required in order to receive the award.
Ph.D. Abstract Competition (Applicants must be HUPO members.)
New this year, HUPO is holding a PhD Abstract Competition. 8 abstracts will be selected based on excellence to have a short oral poster presentation at HUPO 2016 in Taipei. From these 8 presentations, 3 presenting authors will be awarded USD $1,000/each (USD $3,000 in total given out). Please note, in order to be eligible supporting documentation will be required (student ID or letter from supervisor).