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Abstract Categories
- Antibodies & Protein Arrays
- Bioinformatics and Computational Proteomics
- Brain & EyeOME: Connecting two images
- Cancer, Clinical & Translational Proteomics
- Chemical Probes & Chemical Biology for Proteomics
- Chemical Proteomics & Profiling Drug Targets
- Cysteine Modifications & Redoxomics
- Diabetes & Cardiovascular Diseases: Energy balance in disease phenotypes
- Extracellular & Membrane Proteomics
- Food & Nutrition and Immuno-Peptidome: Focus on food allergies
- Functional Roles of Alternative Splicing Varients (CHPP)
- Glycoproteomics - Technical Advances
- Glycosylation Disorders & Glycomics
- Imaging & Single Cell Proteomics
- Immunity, Inflammation & Infectious Diseases
- Innovative Fractionation & Enrichment Techniques
- Innovative Mass Spectrometry Techniques
- Interactomics & Protein Network
- Kidney, Urine & Plasma: Opportunities for early diagnosis and risk assessment
- Liver & Toxicoproteomics: Metabolism, drug transformation & toxicity
- Lysine Modifications & PTM Crosstalks
- Metabolic Disorders & Metabolomics
- Microbial Proteomics
- Missing Proteins-Identification, Validation and Functional Characterization (CHPP)
- Multiomics for Precision Medicine & Systems Biology
- Neurological Disorders & Brain Proteomics
- New Technological Advancements
- Olfactory Receptors (CHPP)
- Other PTMomics & Crosstalks
- Pharmacoproteomics & Drug Discovery
- Phosphoproteomics, Kinome & PTM Crosstalks
- Plant Proteomics
- Protein Complexes & Structural Proteomics
- Protein Standards & Model Organisms: Expanding our horizons
- Proteogenomics & Missing Proteins
- Proteome Dynamics: Turnover & Degradomics
- SNPs and PTMs (identification, validation and functional consequences) (CHPP)
- Stem Cell Proteomics
- Subcellular & Spatial Proteomics
General Guidelines
- Abstracts must only be submitted online.
- Authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts. Any mistakes in literature or in scientific facts will be published as what is typed.
- Please to be notified that all the abstract will be submitted as the Poster Presentation, and you may express your willingness to be considered as the Oral presentation.
- Each attendee can be the presenting author on only one abstract (although an individual may be listed as a co-author on multiple abstracts).
- The Presenting Author of the accepted abstract should be registered and completed the full payment prior to 23:59:59 (GMT+8), August 1, 2016, in order to be included in the program of HUPO 2016.
- All information in the abstract submission, including authors’ names, affiliations, authors order of listing, and the content of abstract, will be used in the congress publications.
- The contributor also represents the legal obligation of abstract, any violate situation to the third party will be responsible for contributor he/herself.
- The Scientific Organizing Committee of the HUPO 2016 reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate abstracts either oral or poster presentation and to choose a suitable session for the abstract. The authors’ preference of the type of the presentation and theme will be taken into account.
- The HUPO 2016 has the copyright to use the abstract in congress scientific purpose without any prior notice to the contributor/authors.
Important Dates (23:59 GMT+8)
Abstract Submission Deadline | |
Abstract Acceptance Notifications | |
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline | July 29, 2016 |